Monday, 18 February 2013

Proof, discipline and a baby artist

well this is four days of sweltering heat and everything is looking very dry indeed, i am again writing its nice therapy but it does lead me to thinking about the passion of the artist...Jon sculpts in some form on most days ever if he is not sculpting he is working on the park so where does he get his drive from?
As we have seen i cant seem to keep up anything on an everyday basis, having a routine helps but that is not always possible around a full time job, four kids and a park....

My magnolia flowered but i never took a picture of the complete flower, it was too fast and i was too smelt like citrus and was beautiful. The stalk remains as proof but its not the same....
There is evidence of the passion of the Jon all over the park......proof
the above pic has a fox track across the park, its shows its been there, i haven't seen it but its left proof, maybe that's what Jon's up to building a catalogue of proof....he was her, large scale bits of graffiti
and Molly is into it toooooooo

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